For ages, advertising has spewed the same rhetoric about spicy food, especially in the MENA region, where food isn’t food unless it’s covered in spice and the over the top “masculine” challenge approach is the norm.
This has led to spice having an intimidating reputation – especially amongst women who are less likely to be attracted to the challenge of extreme spice. Which is odd when you think about it, because blushing, sweating and heavy breath are all signature characteristics of a healthy lifestyle.
We launched this spicy Ghost Pepper Twister as a natural beauty product with amazing natural results: Gorgeous Rosy Cheeks.
Using the beauty world as our muse, we entered this category like any beauty product would and created a unique parody using typical beauty-world tropes.
my role: ECD
DUBAI LYNX - Film Silver O
Activation hijacking beauty shops
Special Beauty Packaging
Beauty Parody TVC
Elle Magazine editorial